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Anything You Need To Know About Tax Amnesty Part II

The Tax Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS), commonly referred to as tax amnesty volume II continues. As of January 13th, 2022, the value of recorded asset disclosures has reached Rp 2.338 trillion. This number came from 3,747 taxpayers with 4,015 certificates (Tax. January 14th 2022). In detail, the declaration from within the country amounted to Rp. 1.767 trillion. Meanwhile, statements from abroad reached Rp 431.82 billion. The number of assets invested in state securities (SBN) reached Rp 141 billion. Meanwhile, the amount of PPh collected reached Rp 272.14 billion.

The Voluntary Disclosure Program is from January 1st, 2022, to June 30th, 2022. The Voluntary Tax Disclosure Program is carried out online through the Taxpayer's account on the website within 24 hours a